The leader in learning and practicing Cloud Technologies

We make Cloud simple for you to learn.

Learn quickly, grow exponentially. Start your Cloud training now with our lectures and hands-on labs in Google Cloud, AWS, Azure and more.

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2000 hands-on Labs

AzureLinuxGCPSecurityCloudTerraformAnsibleKubernetesDevOpsAWSBuddyChefGitHubMavenJenkinsSoap UITeam CityKamateraELK StackSensuPager DutyNagiosNew RelicBambooConsulCircleCiSlackPrometheusSplunkStrongDMGradlePuppetTest Sigma

Al Nafi Cloud for Individuals

Learn the Cloud Skills you need to upgrade your career

Take your career to the next level by learning the latest tech skills with Al Nafi Cloud’s certified programs, whether you are an amateur or an expert.

Access to a vast range of certified modules

Personalized learning experience, from courses to hands-on labs

Inspiring instructors to keep you on track

Stay updated with the latest Cloud Technology

Our Students work in top-firms around the globe

Al Nafi Cloud for Businesses

Develop Cloud Fluency with direct learning at scale

Regardless of the size of your team, Al Nafi Cloud accelerates Cloud success

Customized first-hand learning at scale

Stay updated with market trends

Boost cloud competence

Analyze and develop cloud fluency

We are currently training thousands of individuals and businesses in
Cloud Technologies

Our clients come from every part of the world, as we believe in ease of access for everyone.

Why Al Nafi Cloud?

Simple yet Powerful

We offer customized hands-on labs and learning pathways, that caters to all expertise levels. Whether, you are a starter or an experienced working professional, we will enable you to become an expert in Cloud Technologies. Al Nafi Cloud provides the latest modules and labs, through only the most accomplished and knowledgeable lecturers in the world.

Hands on Labs

Constructive and Charming

We'll help you with your Cloud journey

We utilize demonstrated learning standards to form a custom-made, compelling learning adventure catering to all expertise levels. Al Nafi Cloud provides the latest modules and labs, through only the most accomplished and knowledgeable lecturers in the world.


Master Cloud through Practice

We believe in mastery through Practice. Al Nafi Cloud’s practical courses and labs help students retain more and grow more.

Practice Exercises

Attempt several mock exercises until you get a hang of the Cloud skills you wish to develop.

Lab Experience

Access a huge variety of labs to test your skills and dive deeper into the world of Cloud Computing to take your skill level from amateur to seasoned pro.

Cloud Interface

Practice to learn by making the most of containers such as Azure, AWS, and GCP.


Learn with an Exhaustive Cloud Collection

With an abundance of modules and labs to choose from, Al Nafi Cloud gives you the freedom of the world to explore your options and find the best possible solution. Whether you wish to upgrade your own skill set, or improve a team, Al Nafi Cloud guarantees rapid growth and improvement.

Check Our Labs